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How to compile and run this code without using erlang shell

How to compile and run this code without using erlang shell

I have the following code in erlang which gives solutions to the n-queens problem. It takes number of queens as argument. The program runs successfully on erl shell. But I need to run this program without shell on linux terminal so that I can use the 'time' command to measure execution time of the program.


queen(N) ->
    IJ = [{I, J} || I <- lists:seq(1, N), J <- lists:seq(1, N)],
    lists:foreach(fun({I, J}) -> put_data(I, J, true) end, IJ),
    solve(N, 1, [], 0).

solve(N, J, Board, Count) when N < J ->
    print(N, Board),
    Count + 1;
solve(N, J, Board, Count) ->
    F = fun(I, Cnt) ->
            case get_data(I, J) of
                true  ->
                    put_data(I, J, false),
                    Cnt2 = solve(N, J+1, [I|Board], Cnt),
                    put_data(I, J, true),
                false -> Cnt
    lists:foldl(F, Count, lists:seq(1, N)).

put_data(I, J, Bool) ->
    put({row, I  }, Bool),
    put({add, I+J}, Bool),
    put({sub, I-J}, Bool).

get_data(I, J) ->
    get({row, I}) andalso get({add, I+J}) andalso get({sub, I-J}).

print(N, Board) ->
    Frame = "+-" ++ string:copies("--", N) ++ "+",
    io:format("~s~n", [Frame]),
    lists:foreach(fun(I) -> print_line(N, I) end, Board),
    io:format("~s~n", [Frame]).

print_line(N, I) ->
    F = fun(X, S) when X == I -> "Q " ++ S;
           (_, S)             -> ". " ++ S
    Line = lists:foldl(F, "", lists:seq(1, N)),
    io:format("| ~s|~n", [Line]).


  • You can use timer module to check speed of execution:

    {Time, Value} = timer:tc(queen, queen, [N])

    Or you can transform you code to escript:

    #!/usr/bin/env escript
    -mode(native). %% to fun faster
    main([NStr]) ->
        N = list_to_integer(NStr),
        IJ = [{I, J} || I <- lists:seq(1, N), J <- lists:seq(1, N)],
        lists:foreach(fun({I, J}) -> put_data(I, J, true) end, IJ),
        solve(N, 1, [], 0).
    solve(N, J, Board, Count) when N < J ->
        print(N, Board),
        Count + 1;
    solve(N, J, Board, Count) ->
        F = fun(I, Cnt) ->
                case get_data(I, J) of
                    true  ->
                        put_data(I, J, false),
                        Cnt2 = solve(N, J+1, [I|Board], Cnt),
                        put_data(I, J, true),
                    false -> Cnt
        lists:foldl(F, Count, lists:seq(1, N)).
    put_data(I, J, Bool) ->
        put({row, I  }, Bool),
        put({add, I+J}, Bool),
        put({sub, I-J}, Bool).
    get_data(I, J) ->
        get({row, I}) andalso get({add, I+J}) andalso get({sub, I-J}).
    print(N, Board) ->
        Frame = "+-" ++ string:copies("--", N) ++ "+",
        io:format("~s~n", [Frame]),
        lists:foreach(fun(I) -> print_line(N, I) end, Board),
        io:format("~s~n", [Frame]).
    print_line(N, I) ->
        F = fun(X, S) when X == I -> "Q " ++ S;
               (_, S)             -> ". " ++ S
        Line = lists:foldl(F, "", lists:seq(1, N)),
        io:format("| ~s|~n", [Line]).

    and make it executable from linux shell:

    chmod +x queue

    And then run it from linux shell with command ./queue or time ./queue