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How to re-apply a directive containing interpolation in AngularJS

Let's say you have a simple animation directive for slide-in:

directives.directive('slideIn', function () {
    return {
        compile:function (elm) {
            $(elm).css('padding-left', '200em');
            return function (scope, elm, attrs) {
                $(elm).animate({ 'padding-left':'0em'}, 500);

And html:

<div slide-in>foo</div>

Works great.

Now let's say the html uses Angular interpolation:

<div slide-in>{{foo}}</div>

This works on the first change to the value of, but not on subsequent attempts.

Question is: How to reapply the directive on each change?

Seems like putting this in a link function with a watch is the way to go...


  • When your app start, Angular go throw all Dom and compile all directive. You see animation once because angular compile once. You seems right, you should do it with $watch.

    Here is a solution:

    .directive('slideIn', function () {
        return {
            link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
                scope.$watch("foo", function() {
                    $(elm).css('padding-left', '200em');
                    $(elm).animate({ 'padding-left':'0em'}, 500);

    If you want use this approach for do animation, you should learn about Angular animation. If you use Angular 1.2 here is good article about it