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Null Pointer Exception in Primavera P6 8.1

I am getting a null pointer exception in a Primavera P6 8.1 installation. The exception only occurs in one section of the web-client: Application settings.P6 web and the P6 API are deployed on the same WebLogic (10.3.5) node running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 installation. I have done this installation using this same software stack a dozen times and don't have this issue on any of the other installs.

Exact error below:

Match: beginTraversal
Match: digest selected JREDesc: JREDesc[version 1.6.0_20+, heap=-1--1, args=null, href=, sel=false, null, null], JREInfo: JREInfo for index 0:
    platform is: 1.7
    product is: 1.7.0_17
    location is:
    path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
    args is: null
    native platform is: Windows, x86 [ x86, 32bit ]
    JavaFX runtime is: JavaFX 2.2.7 found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\
    enabled is: true
    registered is: true
    system is: true

    Match: ignoring maxHeap: -1
    Match: ignoring InitHeap: -1
    Match: digesting vmargs: null
    Match: digested vmargs: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
    Match: JVM args after accumulation: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
    Match: digest LaunchDesc: http://localhost:7001/p6/action/jnlp/appletsjnlp.jnlp?mainClass=com.primavera.pvapplets.adminpreferences.AdminPreferencesApplet&classPath=adminpreferences.jar,prm-applets-common.jar,forms-1.0.7.jar,prm-guisupport.jar,prm-to.jar,jide.jar,tablesupport.jar,formsupport.jar,applets-bo.jar,commons-lang.jar,prm-common.jar,resource_strings.jar,prm-img.jar,commons-logging.jar&name=AdminPreferences&version=
    Match: digest properties: []
    Match: JVM args: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
    Match: endTraversal ..
    Match: JVM args final: 
    Match: Running JREInfo Version    match: ==
     Match: Running JVM args match: have:<>  satisfy want:<>
Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_17-b02 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Users\gwrichard
c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
l:   dump classloader list
m:   print memory usage
o:   trigger logging
q:   hide console
r:   reload policy configuration
s:   dump system and deployment properties
t:   dump thread list
v:   dump thread stack
x:   clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>


  • The problem ended up being the Java SE client installed on the client side machines. Versions of Java newer than 6_u32 don't seem to play well with P6 8.1. By uninstalling the Java client and accessing P6 web I was prompted to installed an ealier version of Java.

    Once the earlier Java verion was installed full functionality to P6 web was available.