OK, so I've got the following C code:
//for malloc
#include <stdlib.h>
//to define the bool type
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef int bool;
//define structs
typedef struct A{
int integerValue;
char characterValue;
} A;
typedef struct B{
float floatValue;
bool booleanValue;
} B;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
//allocate a void pointer array
void* myArray[3];
//fill the array with values of different struct types
myArray[0] = malloc(sizeof(A));
myArray[1] = malloc(sizeof(B));
myArray[2] = malloc(sizeof(A));
but I want to be able to dynamically resize the array. I know that you can dynamically resize an array containing just one type like this:
int* myArray;
myArray = malloc(3*sizeof(int));
myArray[0] = 3;
myArray = realloc(myArray,4*sizeof(int));
but how would you do this in the upper situation (it needs to be able to handle a virtually infinite number of types). Would it work to reallocate the array with realloc(myArray,newNumberOfIndices*sizeof(ElementWithBiggestSize))
, or is there a more elegant way to achieve this?
B* b_pointer = (B*) malloc (sizeof(B*));
void** arr = (void**) malloc (3 * sizeof(void*));
arr[0] = b_pointer;
void** new_arr = (void**) malloc (6 * sizeof(A*));
memcpy(new_arr, arr, 3 * sizeof(A*));
// now arr[0] == new_arr[0] == b_pointer;
// now new_arr[0] == b_pointer;
Note that if you're allocating pointers, it doesn't really matter which struct or array (or i don't know what) you want to point to.
PS: happy debugging using void pointer array with different structs
edit: renaming "b_instance to b_pointer", just trying to make it less confusing