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Xcode - failed to get the task for process -1

This is my first post, this site normally has the answer to my question but not this time.

I am developing a universal iPhone/iPad app and have created all of the views in the iPhone storyboard and linked them to the relevant view controllers.

I started to work through my iPad storyboard this weekend after collecting my new iPad Air and i keep running into this error "failed to get the task for process -1", this completely locks the iPad so that i have to perform a hard reset.

If i deselect the view controller from the main storyboard scene then close/reopen Xcode and reconnect the view controller it sometimes works for a couple of times.

Posts on here suggest memory problems as i am seeing the following in the console"ios exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9"

This view is extremely basic and has 3 IBACTIONS connected to NSLOG outputs for the time being.

The view scene has around 10 png uiimageviews, 2 uilabels and 2 unbuttons.

The app runs fine on iPhone but crashes the iPad.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Xcode GM Version 5.0.2 (5A3005) has resolved this issue.