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how to write LINQ Query having multiple values from one Column?

I need to find data from data table with multiple values from one column only.

Below is an example:

 var Value = (from r in datatable.AsEnumerable()
             where r.Field<string>(ColumnName).Contains("test1,test2")
             select r ).ToList();

Here ColumnName is my Datatable's column name and "test1, test2" are different values ( number of values are dynamic and have "," as delimiter ).

I want to make this Linq query which returns all records from datatable which have values equal to "test1" and "test2".

Edit : Above LINQ Query returns result like below SQL Query. Select * from Table where ColumnName in ('test1','test2')


  • Use Split + Join:

    IEnumerable<string> values = "test1,test2".Split(',');
    var matchingRows = from row in datatable.AsEnumerable()
                       join value in values
                       on row.Field<string>(ColumnName) equals value
                       select row;
    DataTable tblResult = matchingRows.CopyToDataTable(); // or ToList

    For the sake of completeness, the less efficient but more natural approach using Contains:

    var matchingRows = from row in datatable.AsEnumerable()
                       where values.Contains(row.Field<string>(ColumnName))
                       select row;