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Url shorting - use http, https or nothing?

i was wondering, when shortening urls is it better to short them using http:// or https:// if site supports https or do not use any of them?

Since short urls are external links, i was wondering which benefits and problems will cause if people shares links who points to or or

Cause for example http:// works if you do not have https, but https works only if you have https and if one day you want to remove htttps?

Can you explain me the best practice about if use or not protocol declaration in shorten urls?


  • Https is for Secure connections which uses a set of keys in order to encrypt data. Https uses port 443 while http uses the standard port which is 80. when you type in a site your browser automatically uses port 80, this is why https wont work if you forget it, because it is on port 443 not port 80. When shortening url I recommend that you shorten them using http.