I trained my Acoustic model and received acceptable accurate rate (85%) over a small data (10 Vietnamese words). but when I integrate this model in to Transcriber sample (packaged with Sphinx 4) and try to transcribe a word, which is in the 10 above words, I received a list of "Falling back to non-recursive partition". I need it to output a word instead.
Here is my project.
Any idea? Thanks
acceptable accurate rate (85%) over a small data (10 Vietnamese words).
This error rate is too high, you need to work on improvement of this result. Accuracy on 10 words must be over 95%. See CMUSphinx troubleshooting section in acoustic model training tutorial for more information.
received a list of "Falling back to non-recursive partition".
This error is a sign of a problem in your input data.
In latest code this error should not be displayed, please also update to a latest version.