Could I get a hint on how to construct a regular expression for the alphabet {a, b} which accepts all strings that:
's and b
's and b
's never gets bigger than two.For example:
is not a valid (because there are 3 a
's more than b
is not valid (not same number of a
's and b
is valid (same number of a
's and b
's, and cumulative number of a
's or b
's is never three more than the other)bbaabbaa
is validIt wouldn't be possible if only the first constraint (have the same number of a's and b's
) was there. Because of the second constraint there is a solution to your problem.
It's easier to first think of the finite automaton that does your work (I leave this to you as an exercise) and then transform it to a regular expression.
The transformed regex would be:
[ (((a | (aab) (ab)*) b)* (((b | bba) (ba)*) a)* ]*
(perhaps it can be simplified, also left for you as an exercise).