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Hibernate naming strategy

I am building a REST webservice with Spring (Boot) and am trying to use hibernate as orm mapper without any xml configuration.

I basically got it to work, but I am stuck with a configuration issue. I instantiate LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean as @Bean in a @Configuration file.

I set hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy as in the following example -> this seems to work for creating the tables if they do not exist (column names are camelCase like in my @Entity classes) but when a query is executed, hibernate "forgets" about this naming configuration and tries to use another kind of naming strategy with under_score_attributes --> obviously those queries fail. Is there any other property I need to set?

Or another way of configuring the properties preferably without adding a cfg.xml or persistence.xml?

LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean lef = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();   
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "create");


  • HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration allows the naming strategy (and all other JPA properties) to be set via local external configuration. For example, in

    spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl_auto: create
    spring.jpa.hibernate.naming_strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.EJB3NamingStrategy