I have a webview with HTML contents. And I have few links in that HTML content. when i clicked the link,corresponding webpage opens within my application. Can i open the webpage in mobile browser when i clicked a particular link?
I have tried using target="_blank" property within anchor tag,which doesn't works. and also i have used "openURL" webview property, but fireEvent is not working properly.
my main js file;
var mywebview = Ti.UI.createWebview({
height : 'auto',
width : '100%',
html : '<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><a href="#" target="_blank" onclick="Ti.App.fireEvent("openLink", {linkUrl: "http://www.w3schools.com"});">Visit W3Schools.com!</a><br><a href="#" onclick="Ti.App.fireEvent("openLink", {linkUrl: "http://google.com"});">Visit Google.com!</a></body></html>',
In app.js;
Ti.App.addEventListener("openLink", function(e){
Ti.App.fireEvent works for me in this form:
<a href="#" onclick=" Titanium.App.fireEvent('ynOpenURL', {url:'http://youatnotes.com'}); return false;">youatnotes.com</a>
and in app.js:
Ti.App.addEventListener('ynOpenURL', function(e) {
You could the URL of the webview in the event in order to open the link inside the WebView.