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Encountering errors of obtaining dependencies when starting grails application

I'm new to Grails web framework. I got this error when running my first grails app from the terminal. Below is the error I got.

> | Downloading:
> org/apache/commons/commons-parent/17/commons-parent-17.pom | Error
> Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact
> descriptor  for org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 (Use --stacktrace
> to see the full trace)
> | Error Required Grails build dependencies were not found. This is
> normally due to internet connectivity issues (such as a misconfigured
> proxy) or missing repos itories in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy.
> Please verify your configuration to continue.

I'm running this app with the internet connection but this error still occurs. How can I fix this error?


  • are u sure you are using a the correct download for grails, it seems that your trying to connect to the internet and your grails can't ? may be check your proxy settings? or what you are really trying to do in the command line ?