Does anyone know how (if possible) I can find out how much capacity (mAh) is remaining in an iPhone battery at any given time?
Something like the program above?
Is there a value stored in a plist somewhere??
couple ways,
pre 3.0 sdk:
with 3.0 sdk - the UIDevice batteryLevel property (example:
to gauge the mAh you could check the battery level over time using that method.
3.0 has added an event to do that:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
name:@”UIDeviceBatteryLevelDidChangeNotification” object:device];
in general, measuring the open circuit voltage or current is used to gauge the state of charge by the hardware. the capacity of the bat will shrink over time, so 100% will indicate no more charge can be stored, even tho the capacity is lower than a new iphone battery.