In matlab, I implemented the sum of series (x^k) / (2*k) when k is from 1 to 6, as following:
syms x;
syms k real;
symsum(x^k/(2*k), k, 1, 6)
The above sum has only one symbolic variable (x). Now I want to implement the following sum in Matlab (alpha and n are constant). As you can see, depending on the value of n, we will have different number of symbolic variables. For example, if n=2 then we have 2 symbolic variables x1 and x2. If n=4 then we have 4 symbolic variables x1,x2,x3 and x4. How can I implement this in Matlab?
You can create a 1xN vector of symbolic variables, by using
A=sym('A',[1 N]);
and then the i
-th element is accessed using A(i)
See here for more detail.
As for writing the sum, I can't really help. I think you may to use a for loop and specify the indices, i.e.
for i=1:N/2
but that doesn't simplify the answer at all. I'm not aware of a better method though.