I have:
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
if ([touches count] == 2) {
//preforming actions
What I want to do Is ask it inside of the if
statement where the two touches are seperatly.
You can iterate over the touches:
if([touches count] == 2) {
for(UITouch *aTouch in touches) {
// Do something with each individual touch (e.g. find its location)
Edit: if you want to, say, find the distance between the two touches, and you know there are exactly two, you can grab each separately then do some math. Example:
float distance;
if([touches count] == 2) {
// Order touches so they're accessible separately
NSMutableArray *touchesArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc]
initWithCapacity:2] autorelease];
for(UITouch *aTouch in touches) {
[touchesArray addObject:aTouch];
UITouch *firstTouch = [touchesArray objectAtIndex:0];
UITouch *secondTouch = [touchesArray objectAtIndex:1];
// Do math
CGPoint firstPoint = [firstTouch locationInView:[firstTouch view]];
CGPoint secondPoint = [secondTouch locationInView:[secondTouch view]];
distance = sqrtf((firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x) *
(firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x) +
(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y) *
(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y));