I want to dynamically generate Label on left & combos on the right in a grid
{'PHOTOSHOP': '6.5', 'NUKE': '7.0v9', 'MAYA': '2014', 'TESTING': '1.28', 'KATANA': '1.7', 'MARI': '4.0'}
{'PHOTOSHOP': '10.5', 'NUKE': '6.3v6', 'MAYA': '2012', 'TESTING': '1.28', 'KATANA': '1.0', 'MARI': '1.0'}
my first problem is creating combos box in a way i can access them later outside the method based on name created at the time of for loop
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class MainWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
"""docstring for MainWindow"""
def __init__(self, dataIn1, dataIn2):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self._dataIn1 = dataIn1
self._dataIn2 = dataIn2
def main(self):
def buildUI(self):
self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
self.combo = QtGui.QComboBox('combo')
for index, item in enumerate(self._dataIn1.iteritems()):
# Below line doesn't work which i want to make work
# objective is to assign unique name so i can access-
# them later outside this method
#self.item[0]+"_Combo" = QtGui.QComboBox()
self.gridLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(item[0]), index, 0)
# once uique combo is created I want to populate them from dataIn1 & dataIn2 lists
self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.combo.addItems([item[-1]]), index, 1)
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
smObj = MainWindow(dataIn1, dataIn2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
secondly I want to those combo box to be filled in by each Keys value from both dataIn1 and dataIn2 sources..
To dynamically create attributes, you can use setattr:
setattr(self, 'combo%d' % index, combo)
However, it's probably much more flexible to keep the combos in a list (then you can easily iterate over them afterwards).
Your loop should end up looking something like this:
data1 = {
'PHOTOSHOP': '6.5', 'NUKE': '7.0v9', 'MAYA': '2014',
'TESTING': '1.28', 'KATANA': '1.7', 'MARI': '4.0',
data2 = {
'PHOTOSHOP': '10.5', 'NUKE': '6.3v6', 'MAYA': '2012',
'TESTING': '1.28', 'KATANA': '1.0', 'MARI': '1.0',
self.combos = []
for index, (key, value) in enumerate(data1.items()):
label = QtGui.QLabel(key, self)
combo = QtGui.QComboBox(self)
# or setattr(self, 'combo%d' % index, combo)
layout.addWidget(label, index, 0)
layout.addWidget(combo, index, 1)