I'm just starting to learn Scala, coming from a Java background. I have been trying to understand type parameters in functions and inference of types. This is a standard example in the Scala docs:
class Decorator(left: String, right: String) {
def layout[A](x: A) = left + x.toString() + right
object FunTest extends Application {
def apply(f: Int => String, v: Int) = f(v)
val decorator = new Decorator("[", "]")
println(apply(decorator.layout, 7))
If I try to apply a type parameter to the apply
function and keep v
a strong type, a type mismatch occurs. Why doesn't the type get inferred here?
def apply[B](f: B => String, v: String) = f(v) //Type mismatch
def apply[B](f: B => String, v: B) = f(v) //Works fine
Let's take a look at apply
without it's body:
def apply[B](f: B => String, v: String)
That reads "apply
is a function (method) parameterized on a type B
, that takes a function from B
to String
, and a String
Think of B
as a type variable; it will need to be instantiated at some point. That point is not the declaration of apply
. It is when apply is, well, applied to ;-)
By this contract, usage like this must be allowed:
def g(i: Int): String = "i is " + i
apply(g, "foo") // Here the type variable `B` is "instantiated" to the type Int,
But given that you have a body like f(v)
, just substituting, we see the contradiction:
g("foo") // can't compile; g takes a B, which is an Int