I want to create a news page that includes a snippet of the latest 3 filea created in the following directory structure:
So lets say I have the following files:
/news.php /2010/the-latest-article.php /2009/some-long-article-name.php /2009/another-long-article-name.php /2009/too-old-article-name.php /2009/another-old-article-name.php
I only want to include the first 3 files into the news.php output.
From php.net:
foreach (glob("../downloads/*") as $path) { //configure path
$docs[filectime($path)] = $path;
} ksort($docs); // sort by key (timestamp)
foreach ($docs as $timestamp => $path) {
print date("d. M. Y: ", $timestamp);
print '<a href="'. $path .'">'. basename($path) .'</a><br />';
Also, filemtime may give better results if you are on windoze.