I ran into a little problem and I might need your help to sort it out.
I an building a website that uses custom taxonomies and tags posts accordingly. So, there is a page like http://example.com/custom-taxonomy/term that displays all the posts tagged with "term".
The visitor should be able to go to http://example.com/custom-taxonomy/ and see a lists of all the terms that are used inside that custom taxonomy in order to browse them. This list should also be "paginated" since some taxonomies could have quite a lot of terms in them.
Any ideas on how I should handle this?
Thanks a bunch!
I'll answer my own question here, maybe it will help others.
I have created a custom page template that uses get_terms to get the terms for a specific taxonomy and iterates through them displaying them in the desired manner.
I then created a page with the exact same slug as the main taxonomy slug (http://example.com/actors in this case) and thus when going to /actors/ you actually see the page created that acts as an index page for the taxonomy. You can see it in effect at http://couch.ro/actori/
In the actual code I am also using the Taxonomy Images plugin for having images on the actual tags so the get_terms is executed through the apply_filter() function. You have the full code for the template below. Any feedback is highly appreciated!
Template Name: Taxonomy Index
$terms_per_page=get_option( 'c2c_custom_post_limits' );
if ($terms_per_page['archives_limit']==0)
if (!isset($slug_to_taxonomy[$slug]))
header("Location: /");exit;
if (empty($terms_page))
$terms=apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-get-terms', '',array('having_images'=>false,'taxonomy'=>$taxonomy, 'term_args'=>array('offset'=>($terms_page-1)*$terms_per_page,'number'=>$terms_per_page)) );
if (empty($terms))
header("Location: /");exit;
foreach ($terms as $term)
if (!empty($term->image_id))
foreach ($term_posts as $post)
<div class="posts-wrap">
<div class="archive-title_wrap"><h1 class="archive-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1></div>
<div id="post_list_wrap">
foreach ($processed_terms as $term)
echo "<div class='post post-archive'>
<a href='{$term['url']}' title='{$term['name']}'><img src='{$term['image']}' alt='{$term['name']}'></a>
<div class='rating' style='text-align:right;'>{$term['count']} ".($term['count']==1?'review':'reviewuri')."</div>
<h2 class='index-entry-title'>
<a href='{$term['url']}' title='{$term['name']}'>{$term['name']}</a>
<div class='archive-meta entry-meta-index'>
foreach ($term['posts'] as $title=>$link)
echo ($first_term_post?'':', ')."<a href='{$link}' title='{$title}'>{$title}</a>";
echo "</span>
<?php if ($terms_page>1 OR $has_next_page) { ?>
<div class="navigation">
<div class="nav-prev left"><?php if ($terms_page>1) echo "<a href='/{$slug}/".($terms_page>2?"page/".($terms_page-1)."/":'')."'>".__('« Previous Page', 'designcrumbs')."</a>"; ?></div>
<div class="nav-next right"><?php if ($has_next_page) echo "<a href='/{$slug}/page/".($terms_page+1)."/'>".__('Next Page »', 'designcrumbs')."</a>" ?></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>