I am trying to use the ARB_debug_output extension but I cannot get any output from it (intentionally incorrect shaders will not cause debug output). I'm guessing I have made a mistake using the extension.
I have set up my context with debug enabled using;
ContextAttribs contextAtrributes = new ContextAttribs(3, 2) // Core OpenGL version 3.2
I check for the debug output extension using;
ContextCapabilities caps = GLContext.getCapabilities();
if ( caps.OpenGL32 )
System.out.println("OpenGL version 3.2 supported");
if ( caps.GL_ARB_debug_output )
System.out.println("ARB_debug_output extension supported");
Which gives the following output;
OpenGL version 3.2 supported
ARB_debug_output extension supported
I setup a callback function to print the debug output using;
new ARBDebugOutputCallback();
After this I run my program using incorrect/wrong shaders etc that produce compiler/linker errors using glGetShaderInfoLog and glGetError but I do not receive debug information from the callback function.
You need to pass the ARBDebugOutputCallback instance to the glDebugMessageCallbackARB method, like so:
glDebugMessageCallbackARB(new ARBDebugOutputCallback());
This is equivalent to passing a function pointer in the C API.
Note that there is no userParam argument; it is used internally by LWJGL to implement ARB_debug_output properly when there are multiple OpenGL contexts present. It's not necessary in Java anyway, you can pass per-instance data using the ARBDebugOutputCallback(Handler) constructor.