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inadequate version control, MOSS 2007

Sharepoint document libraries used for policies and procedures, both administrative and clinical (health care).

version control and approval workflows support legislative requirements and protect against liability issues.

Unfortunately, deleting a document removes all record that it ever existed--all the history goes with it.

I don't have a sandbox right now to verify, but I think it also bypasses the approval workflow.

Legally, for some of these, if we delete it, we still MUST be able to show what the policy was at a particular place/time.

Is there a reasonably simple fix or workaround?

Similarly, if someone changes the filename (which is not hard to do accidentally), both file names need to show the history.


  • The solution I am recommending to management is to make deletion unavailable from the library. A policy/procedure can be "deleted" by creating a new major version that say it is no longer to be used.

    UPDATE: We did take that approach, and it does work. "Deleting" a document is done by making an empty version. The history remains to satisfy the legal folks.