I am trying to configure VLC to start streaming two streams automatically on boot with Upstart.
Here is my upstart script:
description "VLC streams"
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on runlevel [016]
exec /home/streamer/stream.sh
and stream.sh:
cvlc -v "/home/administrator/Videos/Kastiel/kastiel.xspf" --sout '#std{access=udp{ttl=2},mux=ts,dst=}' --sout-keep --loop &
cvlc -v "/home/administrator/Videos/Rozpravky/rozpravky.xspf" --sout '#std{access=udp{ttl=2},mux=ts,dst=}' --sout-keep --random &
exit 0
However, after the computer boots, there is no stream and VLC process is not running. When I run stream.sh manually, it works with no problem.
Does anybody know what mistake am I doing?
I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and VLC 2.0.5.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Vlc doesn't support to be run as root due to security reasons. You should use sudo -u user in script to change the user.
try as : sudo -u username cvlc -v "/home/administrator/Videos/Kastiel/kastiel.xspf" --sout '#std{access=udp{ttl=2},mux=ts,dst=}' --sout-keep --loop &