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Fortran90 program seems to be rounding numbers without my permission and it's messing up my output

I'm in the process of writing a Fortran90 program that will take an input file containing points to be graphed, sort those points, calculate the minimum and maximum x and y values, print all of this to another file, and then create a graph and print that as well.

So far, I'm up to calculating the min and max values, and I've got it all printing to a file.
The structure of the program is as such:

Please enter an input file:


Please enter an output file:


And then it'll pull the data from GRAPH3.txt, do stuff, and print it.

GRAPH3.txt looks like this:

8.3       8.3
12.0      12.0
2.0       2.0
4.0       4.0
1.0       1.0
4.5       4.5
12.1      12.1
4.6       4.6
3.0       3.0
7.2       7.2
9.0       9.0

The first number indicates how many points there are. The rest are just the pairs of numbers.

When I run my program, this is my output:

  8.30   8.30
 12.00  12.00
  2.00   2.00
  4.00   4.00
  1.00   1.00
  4.50   4.50
 12.10  12.10
  4.60   4.60
  3.00   3.00
  7.20   7.20
  9.00   9.00
  1.00   1.00
  2.00   2.00
  3.00   3.00
  4.00   4.00
  4.00   4.00
  4.00   4.00
  7.20   7.20
  8.00   8.00
  9.00   9.00
 12.00  12.00
 12.00  12.00
Xmin:    1.00
Xmax:   12.00
Ymin:    0.00
ymax:   12.00

Obviously, ymin should be 1.00, but it's showing up at 0.00. Do you have any idea why it would be doing this?

Here's my program:

        PROGRAM G6P4
        implicit none
        character(len=30) :: infile,outfile
        logical inexist, outexist,more,quit
        integer i,j,n,overwrite
        real x(100),y(100),xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin
        inexist = .false.
        outexist = .false.
        do while (.not.inexist)
            print *, 'Please enter an input filename'
            read *, infile
            INQUIRE(FILE=infile, EXIST=inexist)
            if (.not.inexist) then
                print *, 'Invalid Input File'
            end if
        end do
        do while (more.or.infile.eq.outfile)
            print *, 'Please enter an output filename'
            read *, outfile
            INQUIRE(FILE=outfile, EXIST=outexist)
            if (infile.eq.outfile) then
                print *, 'Outfile cannot equal infile.'
                if (outexist) then
                    print *, 'File already exists'
                    print *, '1 to enter overwrite, 2 to enter new file, 0 to quit'
                    read *,overwrite
                    select case (overwrite)
                    case (1)
                        more =.false.
                    case (2)
                        more = .true.
                    case (0)
                        more = .false.
                        quit = .true.
                    case default
                        print *,'NOPE'
                        more = .true.
                    end select
                end if
            end if
        end do
        if (quit.eqv..false.) then
            OPEN(1, FILE=infile)
            OPEN(2, FILE=outfile)
            if ( then
                do i = 1, n
                    read (1,*) x(i),y(i)
                end do
                write (2,*) 'presort'
                do i = 1, n
                    write (2,'(2(F6.2,X))') x(i),y(i)
                end do
                call sort(x,y,n)
                write (2,*) 'postsort'
                do i = 1, n
                    write (2,'(2(F6.2,X))') x(i),y(i)
                end do
                xmin = x(1)
                xmax = x(n)
                ymax = y(1)
                ymax = y(n)
                do i = 2, n
                    if (ymin.GT.y(i)) then
                    end if
                    if ( then
                    end if
                write (2,'(A,X,F6.2)') 'Xmin: ',xmin
                write (2,'(A,X,F6.2)') 'Xmax: ',xmax
                write (2,'(A,X,F6.2)') 'Ymin: ',ymin
                write (2,'(A,X,F6.2)') 'ymax: ',ymax
                print *,'File has invalid number of data points'
            end if
        end if

        end PROGRAM

        subroutine sort(x,y,n)
            real, intent(out),dimension(100) :: x,y
            integer ::  n
            integer :: end,j,t
            logical :: more
            end = n-1
            do while (more)
                more = .false.
                do j = 1, end
                    if (x(j).gt.x(j+1)) then
                        write (*,'(A,2(F6.1,X))')'Pre: ',x(j),x(j+1)
                        t = x(j)
                        y(j) = y(j+1)
                        more = .true.
                        write (*,'(A,2(F6.1,X))')'Post: ',x(j),x(j+1)
                    end if
                end = end-1
        end subroutine

Another problem I've discovered is that if I remove the write statements from the sort subroutine, for some reason, the program doesn't sort at all. Any clue why it would be doing that?


  • You are not initializing ymin. You are instead initializing ymax twice. Therefore ymin gets a default initialization of zero, which happens to be the lowest number considered, and is reported as the minimum.