I've been playing around with some simple binary encoding and it seemed to be working correctly for the most part, up until I added the state monad. The plan was to use the state to keep a lookup table of what I have written to the bytestring so far, and then write out offsets to previous instances of strings rather than duplicate them.
I got everything type checked and running, but then I noticed that it was only writing out the final instruction in the chain. I changed to using the Control.Monad.State.Strict but that made no difference, so I suspect I'm making a fundamental error somewhere else, but I'm not sure where - I've trimmed the code down to the basic functionality. Also, is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
data SState = SState {
wsPosition :: Int
-- plus whatever else
initialState = SState 0
type StatePut = S.State SState Put
class StateBinary a where
sput :: a -> StatePut
incPos :: Int -> S.State SState ()
incPos amnt = do
(SState p) <- S.get
S.put $ SState (p + amnt)
writeSized :: Int -> (a -> Put) -> a -> StatePut
writeSized n f x = do
incPos n
return (f x)
writeInt32 :: Int -> StatePut
writeInt32 = writeSized 32 putWord32be . fromIntegral
writeBS :: BS.ByteString -> StatePut
writeBS b = writeSized (BS.length b) putByteString b
data SomeData = SomeData {
sdName :: BS.ByteString
, sdAge :: Int
, sdN :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance StateBinary SomeData where
sput (SomeData nm a n) = do
writeBS nm
writeInt32 a
writeInt32 n
testData = SomeData "TestName" 30 100
runSPut :: StateBinary a => a -> BL.ByteString
runSPut a = runPut $ S.evalState (sput a) initialState
-- runSPut testData returns "\NUL\NUL\NULd"
The problem is that writeSized
is not actually writing to the bytestring. return
only wraps the Put
computation into the state monad without actually running it. There might be smarter ways to solve it, but the obvious one would be taking advantage of the fact that Put
(actually PutM
) is a monad and using monad transformers to compose it with the state monad:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
data SState = SState {
wsPosition :: Int
-- plus whatever else
initialState = SState 0
-- S.StateT SState PutM is a composed monad, with a state layer above PutM.
type StatePut = S.StateT SState PutM ()
class StateBinary a where
sput :: a -> StatePut
incPos :: Int -> StatePut
incPos amnt = do
(SState p) <- S.get
S.put $ SState (p + amnt)
writeSized :: Int -> (a -> Put) -> a -> StatePut
writeSized n f x = do
incPos n
-- lift runs a computation in the underlying monad.
S.lift (f x)
writeInt32 :: Int -> StatePut
writeInt32 = writeSized 32 putWord32be . fromIntegral
writeBS :: BS.ByteString -> StatePut
writeBS b = writeSized (BS.length b) putByteString b
data SomeData = SomeData {
sdName :: BS.ByteString
, sdAge :: Int
, sdN :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance StateBinary SomeData where
sput (SomeData nm a n) = do
writeBS nm
writeInt32 a
writeInt32 n
testData = SomeData "TestName" 30 100
runSPut :: StateBinary a => a -> BL.ByteString
runSPut a = runPut $ S.evalStateT (sput a) initialState
-- *Main> runSPut testData