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How to supply command line arguements to a form on launch?

I have a a simple GUI App, which need to perform a certain function on start-up, but not on manual launch from desktop or start menu. To incorporate this function, I thought of supplying command line arguments to the application, so that depending on the command line argument, we can differentiate between launch on start up and manual launch.
My Question is that how do I make sure that whenever the user clicks the applications icon on his desktop, the required command line arguments are given to the program.
I am using C# to program my application and want to run it on windows 7


  • The common design pattern for Windows applications which can be launched either at startup (i.e., automatically) or manually (i.e., when a user launches the application) is to pass a command line argument when the application is launched at startup but not when a user launches it manually. Why? Because you control the mechanism by which the application is started automatically (for example, because you create a registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). So, for example, you could add a value of "c:\program files\MyCompany\MyApp.exe" /Startup And then you could check for the startup argument in your code:

    bool isStartupLaunch;
    foreach (string arg in args)
       isStartupLaunch |= (arg.toLower() == "/startup");

    By contrast, you never really can control how a user is going to launch your application. Maybe they double click on a shortcut, but maybe they double click on your actual executable, or maybe they open a command prompt and launch that way. So you don't want to rely on getting a specific command line argument when the user launches your app. Much safer to look for the automatic launch, because you control how that is done, and therefore can control the command line arguments passed in.