When using ROLLUP
in SQL server, how can I get the subtotal rows above the detailed rows?
This is what you would usually get when using ROLLUP
Group Name Total Sales
---------------- --------------- ------------
Europe France 74569.00
Europe Germany 59456.00
Europe United Kingdom 78327.00
Europe NULL 212352.00 << sub total row for Europe appears **after** all the individual rows for Europe.
North America Northwest 208774.00
North America Southeast 145477.00
North America Southwest 164232.00
North America NULL 518483.00
Pacific Australia 93403.00
Pacific NULL 93403.00
This is the expected Result set:
Group Name Total Sales
---------------- --------------- ------------
Europe NULL 212352.00 << sub total row for Europe needs to appear **before** the individual rows for Europe.
Europe France 74569.00
Europe Germany 59456.00
Europe United Kingdom 78327.00
North America NULL 518483.00
North America Northwest 208774.00
North America Southeast 145477.00
North America Southwest 164232.00
Pacific NULL 93403.00
Pacific Australia 93403.00
Query used:
SELECT [Group], [Name], SUM([SalesYTD]) AS 'Total Sales'
FROM #TempTable
Any ideas how we could get this output?
You don't explicitly order the results so when you say this is what you would usually get ... sub total row for Europe appears after all the individual rows for Europe you're just getting lucky.
Try ordering your result set:
SELECT [Group], [Name], SUM([SalesYTD]) AS 'Total Sales'
FROM #TempTable
ORDER BY [Group], [Name]
Although also try not using WITH ROLLUP
as well:
Non-ISO Compliant Syntax
This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.