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How to fix truncated text on <select> element on iOS7

Is there any way to prevent iOS7 from truncating the text when selecting an option on a html select element? iOS7 truncates the text on the options text instead of wrapping it. In my specific case this is totally unusable:

enter image description here

The above screenshot was taken from a html 5 app built with jQuery Mobile. I should also mention that this issue is not present on iOS6.


  • Add an empty optgroup at the end of the select list:

      <option selected="" disabled="">Select a value</option>
      <option>Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack</option>
      <option>Quirky spud boys can jam after zapping five worthy Polysixes</option>
      <option>The wizard quickly jinxed the gnomes before they vaporized</option>
      <option>All questions asked by five watched experts amaze the judge</option>
      <optgroup label=""></optgroup>