i was going through railstutorial and saw the following one liner
it creates random 7 character domain name like following:
I tried converting the one liner to groovy but i could only come up with:
def range = ('a'..'z')
def tempList = new ArrayList (range)
println tempList[0..7].join()+".heroku.com"
Can the above be improved and made to a one liner? I tried to make the above code shorter by
println Collections.shuffle(new ArrayList ( ('a'..'z') ))[0..7].join()+".heroku.com"
However, apparently Collections.shuffle(new ArrayList ( ('a'..'z') ))
is a null
Not having shuffle built-in adds the most to the length, but here's a one liner that'll do it:
('a'..'z').toList().sort{new Random().nextInt()}[1..7].join()+".heroku.com"
Yours doesn't work because Collections.shuffle does an inplace shuffle but doesn't return anything. To use that as a one liner, you'd need to do this:
('a'..'z').toList().with{Collections.shuffle(it); it[1..7].join()+".heroku.com"}