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Assembly External Subroutines & Driver program

So I am trying to write some external subroutines in assembly to run along with a driver program that I wrote. I want to read in the program, through sysin, and also provide some instream assembly.

Here's the JCL part:

//SYSIN     DD  DSN=***.***.***,DISP=SHR

I understand the basics of entry and exit linkage, but do I need to have another DD statement for my instream assembly? Or, could I just start coding after I declare my ***.***.*** data set?


  • If you want to have some code in a dataset and some other code in-stream, you can do that in your JCL as follows...

    //         DD  *
    [in-stream data]

    ...but @Bill Woodger asks a good question, why not assemble the subroutines separately and link them in. Personally, I would find that more "normal."