I'm trying to get the caret position in Python. I tried using win32gui.GetCaretPos()
but it always returns 0,0.
Do you have any ideas how to make it work?
Thanks Chris
If the caret is in a window created by another thread, you need to call AttachThreadInput
. Assuming you want the caret of the foreground window, you can get to it like this:
import win32gui
import win32process
import win32api
fg_win = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
fg_thread, fg_process = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(fg_win)
current_thread = win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()
win32process.AttachThreadInput(current_thread, fg_thread, True)
print win32gui.GetCaretPos()
win32process.AttachThreadInput(current_thread, fg_thread, False) #detach