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Square function error - possible loss of precision

I am working on an assignment for my software development lecture and have been asked to code a for loop where the user is asked for two numbers, which will be the upper and lower bounds for a table to be displayed.

This is coded in BlueJ, if that helps(?)

This is the loop i have so far,i have asked for the two numbers outwith this loop and set all but the i variable as floats, the i as a double;

for (i = lowNum; i <= highNum; i++) {
         //find square of number
            squareNum = i * i;

         //find cube of number
            cubeNum = i * i * i;

         //find square root of number
            rootNum = Math.sqrt(i);

         //display under appropriate headings

when i try and run it, a compiler error comes up saying possible loss of precision, required: float; found: double; i have tried to change the variable type to float but then a similar error (float and double being reversed) highlighting the i in the Math.sqrt(i); line of code.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


  • Math.sqrt() returns a double. Cast it to a float as follows: (float)Math.sqrt()