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How to flatten object from String to SolrInputDocument

I wish to know if it is possible to post JSON/XML strins from SolrJ.

I am currently receiving documents from some messaging service as JSON strings.

One such document is as below:

  "id":"1","name":"Item 1","price":10,
  "producer":{"id":"10","name":"Prod 1",
    "address": {"id":"100","city":"City 1","zipcode":95000}

Do I need to convert this string to SolrInputDocument for serving it to Solr?

I am currently using SolrJ and see no API for directly serving a JSON to Solr.

( I see post.jar shipped with Solr is able to post json/xml documents directly to Solr and I would like the same behavior via a SolrJ API )

If there is no such API, how do I convert the string to SolrInputDocument?


  • You don't need to convert it to SolrInputDocument. See

    But Solr does not allow nested fields. You need to flatten your JSON i.e. keep only scalars, and arrays (or lists) as multi-valued fields only. You may convert it like this:

      "name":"Item 1",
      "producer_name":"Prod 1",
      "producer_address_city": "city1",

    or you can also keep the producer address in a multi-valued field like this:

      "name":"Item 1",
      "producer_name":"Prod 1",
      "producer_address":["100", "city1", "95000"]

    Which one you should choose depends on your query requirements.