A 1---* A_B *---1 B
Table A has aID (PK), Table B has bID (PK), table A_B has:
aID (PK, FK), bID (PK, FK), num
I tried
property name="A" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="A" fkcolumn="aID";
property name="B" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="B" fkcolumn="bID";
property name="num" type="numeric";
but CF keep asking me for an ID column... what can I do? The FK's should be the PK's.
If there's no way to specify it in CFC, how to represent this link table in hbm xml?
Apparently no hbmxml is needed! Awesome...
property name="A" fieldtype="id,many-to-one" cfc="A" fkcolumn="aID";
property name="B" fieldtype="id,many-to-one" cfc="B" fkcolumn="bID";
property name="num" type="numeric";
Thanks to Brian Kotek's answer at: http://groups.google.com/group/cf-orm-dev/msg/a6ccc2194fceb930