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Coldfusion - how to convert one structure to an array

I am helping a friend with a Coldfusion issue, I am just having difficulty with a simple problem. We are trying to obtain the column names coming from a SQL table and the way we do that is by doing the following:

Now we are trying to get the same info but from an Array of Structures (see screen shot attached here).

enter image description here

    <cfdump var="#ApiData#">
    <cfset numColumns = StructCount(ApiData[1])>
    <cfdump var="#numColumns#">
    <cfdump var="#ApiData[1].Created#">

    <cfloop from="1" to="#numColumns#" index="i">   
        <cfset ColumnNames = ?how do I create an array of columns here?

Thank you


  • So you want an array of ["Created", "CreatedBy", etc] ?

    That's just:


    You don't need the loop.

    Docs: structKeyArray()