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Call Cocoa-function removeItemAtPath through AppleScript

I want to use the Cocoa-function removeItemAtPath to delete a folder with a path specified in AppleScript part but don't know how to accomplish that through AppleScriptObjC.

Can you help me by giving an example?


  • Why not just use AppleScript to delete the folder?

    set theFile to "path:to:folder:"
    tell application "System Events"
        delete disk item theFile
    end tell


    Based on the comments, you need to do this at the administrator level, and you're able to prompt the user for their credentials. You can put all of that into a shell script.

    If you only need the password, using the current user's user name, this superuser question shows the shell command is:

    echo <password> | sudo -S <command>

    Which makes your code:

    set pass to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your password:" default answer "password" with hidden answer)
    do shell script "echo " & quoted form of pass & " | sudo -S rm 'path/to/file'"

    If you need to run it under a separate admin user name, you can add in a dialog to get the user name and use the -u flag in your shell script:

    set username to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your username:" default answer "username")
    set pass to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your password:" default answer "password" with hidden answer)
    set shellscript to "echo " & quoted form of pass & " | sudo -S -u " & quoted form of username & " rm 'path/to/file'"