I have a bit of a theoretical question for which there is no code yet as I am still just in the thinking stage. I want to update an app to allow users to share their data with others through DropBox Datastore or something like that. However, when a user creates data which get populated into multiple sqlite tables on the device, each table has an auto-incremental integer as a primary key that is used as a foreign key in other tables to link the data.
If there is more than one user actually creating the data and sharing it then the primary key columns are obviously going to be an issue. If I download the data and store it locally I obviously can't insert user 1's key value in user 2's data table, firstly because of the auto-increment and secondly because user 2 might already have data that is not shared saved with that key value.
I have thought about a few options but nothing is particularly appealing or robust. I was thinking about creating a UUID to identify the device, that value would have to be stored in each of the tables and the primary key would be a combination of that column and the current primary key integer which would obviously have to have the auto-increment removed. So to pick up all related data from each table the id column and UUID column would both have to be used.
I feel like there must be a more robust method of achieving this though, any one have any better suggestions?
If I'm understanding well you need some sort centralised database in the cloud to communicate with your local app, is that right? A client should never create the ids for such a system. A usual practice on these cases is to always have a remote id which is created by your DB in the cloud, and whenever you don't have this value yet, you can have a fallback value (local id created locally - which is different from the remote one).
So, to illustrate my words we could set the following example. Your app stores messages in database. Say you create messages with a local id 1,2,3. Those ids will never be meant to be unique in your central database in the cloud. Instead, you'd just use them as a local fallback. As soon as you can send those 3 messages to your centralised database, it'll give them 3 new remote ids you'll use for unique means (ie.: 35, 46, 54).
Note that when you have multiple requesters/users accessing one same database there's not such way to assure uniqueness unless you follow the explained approach, or you query a certain number of unique ids in advance and on demand to your database in the cloud. Keep in mind, that the actual truth can be only delivered by the databases in your servers.