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Forms with a tumblr site and running scripts on a tumblr site

1 ) On Tumblr is it possible to create a form and / or at the very least program. If I want to write a shell script, or a python script, can I do that? Note that we have domain space from GoDaddy[ to my chagrin =( I had no say in that ]. Perhaps there is a way to use tumblr for most of the front end but be able to do database stuff, and all sorts of other fun stuff?

EDIT: IF there are any better work arounds I absolutely need to know!


  • Tumblr won't give you any form of database or backend processing beyond what you can get with the usual functionality. However if you've got hosting elsewhere you could certainly create a form that posts to a different domain (i.e. your godaddy site)

    <form action="http://yourgodaddydomain/someendpoint">
        <!-- form -->

    You could then set the endpoint (python script, php, whatever) to redirect back to your tumblr site.