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Save tail output to mysql

I'm having a problem, I need to save the tail output to mysql. I can save the output to a file, Here is the tail command:

tail -f file_ | egrep --line-buffered param_ > path_destinty

For my application it is necessary to save the information in the time that it is written.

Any tips?


  • Example:

     tail -f file_ | \
     grep -E --line-buffered param_ | \
     while read line; do \
     mysql -E -u root -p root -h 'INSERT INTO `test`.`test` (`text`, `updated`) VALUES ("'${line}'", NOW());'; done


    1. tail your file
    2. because egrep is deprecated, use grep -E
    3. cycle for parsing data and send them to MySQL

    Params of MySQL:

    -E       Execute query
    -u       Username
    -p       Password for this user
    -h       Host/IP
    `test`   is the name of the database and table
    ${line}  our varible with text