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Execute stored procedure and return resultset

I'm a complete VBScript newbie and I am trying to execute a stored procedure and read the resultset. I have tried numerous different approaches using articles online but nothing works and I'm stumped. The database is SQL Server 2008 R2, the application is an off-the-shelf ERP system but I'm able to add my own code to it.

I can execute code by using:

connection.execute"insert into blah blah blah"

And I can read result set by using:

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open "select a, b, c FROM blahblah", Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic,    adCmdText
If objRS.EOF = False Then
    a = objRS.Fields("a").Value
    b = objRS.Fields("b").Value
    c = objRS.Fields("c").Value
End If

The stored procedure in question is in effect a select statement e.g.:

create procedure [dbname].[dbo].[sptestproc] 
    @Option1 Varchar(10) = NULL,
    @Option2 Varchar(10) = NULL
    select first, second 
    from table1 
    where a = @option1 and b = @toption2

My code so far:

Dim sql

sql = "EXEC [dbname].[dbo].[sptestproc] '" & Opt1 & "','" & Opt2 & "'"
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open sql, Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText
Do While Not RS.EOF
    Call App.MessageBox("first",vbInformation,"Data updated")
    Call App.MessageBox("second",vbInformation,"Data updated")

But I cannot for the life of me get a procedure to execute and read the results.

Can anyone help?



  • adCmdText would be for SQL query if you want to execute a stored procedure then you have to use adCmdStoredProc (value 4 instead)


    'Set the connection
    'Set the command
    DIM cmd
    SET cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    SET cmd.ActiveConnection = Connection
    'Set the record set
    DIM RS
    SET RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
    'Prepare the stored procedure
    cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[sptestproc]"
    cmd.CommandType = 4  'adCmdStoredProc
    cmd.Parameters("@Option1 ") = Opt1 
    cmd.Parameters("@Option2 ") = Opt2 
    'Execute the stored procedure
    SET RS = cmd.Execute
    SET cmd = Nothing
    'You can now access the record set
    if (not RS.EOF) THEN
        first = RS("first")
        second = RS("second")
    end if
    'dispose your objects
    SET RS = Nothing
    SET Connection = Nothing