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Customer JSF Exception Handler does not catch Exception in Converter

I have an own ExceptionHandler added to my jsf 2.2 project. web.xml


The exceptionHandlerFactory contains

public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
    ExceptionHandler handler = new MyExceptionHandler(parent.getExceptionHandler());
    return handler;

and the ExceptionHandler contains

    public void handle() throws FacesException {
        LOGGER.debug("handle exception...");

My dummy Converter throw everytime an exception:

@FacesConverter(value = "MyConverter")
public class MyConverter implements Converter {

public Object getAsObject(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent comp, final String value) {
    throw new RuntimeException("error");

But the exception is not handled by my own excpetion handler. Why?


  • I found my problem.

    That was not an issue from jsf. I had a PhaseListener in the application, which makes only some of the error messages visible on the page. But this PhaseListener was in the INVOKE_APPLICATION Phase and therefore never executed.