I have the following situation:
I have a model called "ConfigurationItem".
class ConfigurationItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :contract_asset
belongs_to :provider
belongs_to :configuration, polymorphic: true
validate :name, :contract_asset, presence: true
Then I have for the moment two models, "OsConfiguration" and "HardwareConfiguration"
class OsConfiguration < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :configuration_item, as: :configuration
class HardwareConfiguration < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :configuration_item, as: :configuration
On my process of creation, I first come to the form of ConfigurationItem. So my question is, how can I create an Os or Hardware Configuration from the ConfigurationItem form. Something like this:
What I tried so far is to route like this:
resources :configuration_items do
resources :os_configurations
resources :hardware_configurations
But the rest is a bit heavy for me (I'm very new to rails).
Plus, I'm using this gem : https://github.com/codez/dry_crud
To be more specific, from the configurationItem a form, I can choose an os or hardware configuration. If I choose an os configuration, a modal form will appear with his form. When I save the Os Configuration, I have to set his attribute configuration_item with the previous form, so he's not created yet and I can't access it from the os configuration's controller.
It's like in rails_admin when from a form, you can create and add a new instance of an other model.
Thank's !
Here is my solution, In my ConfigurationItem's list view, I added the dropdown menu
- ConfigurationItemsController::ITEM_TYPES.keys.each do |type|
%li= link_to("Add #{type.titleize} Item", new_contract_contract_asset_configuration_item_path(@contract, @contract_asset, type: type))
In my ConfigurationItemsController, I create the configuration with the type of the dropdown.
ITEM_TYPES = { 'plain' => nil,
'os' => OsConfiguration,
'hardware' => HardwareConfiguration }
before_filter :assign_configuration_type, only: [:new, :create]
def assign_configuration_type
if type = ITEM_TYPES[params[:type]]
entry.configuration = type.new
def models_label(plural = true)
if @configuration_item
if config = @configuration_item.configuration
"#{config.class.model_name.human.titleize} Item"
"Plain Configuration Item"
In my ConfigurationItem's form view I extend the form with my configuration's field
- if entry.new_record?
= hidden_field_tag :type, params[:type]
- if @configuration_item.configuration
= f.fields_for(:configuration) do |fields|
= render "#{@configuration_item.configuration.class.model_name.plural}/fields", f: fields
So I choose before the form which configuration I'll have, and not in the form.