I have this Python code:
import math, random, sys
from swampy.TurtleWorld import *
world = TurtleWorld()
Rasmus = Turtle()
Rasmus.delay = 0.000002
class rule(object):
def __init__(self):
self.rule={} #we make an empty dictionary
def newrule(self,leftside,rightside):
self.rule[leftside]=rightside #we fill the dictionary
def expand (self,oldlist,depth):
if depth <= 0:
return oldlist
newlist=[] # we make an empty new list
for i in oldlist:
if i not in self.rule:
return newlist
class command(object):
def __init__(self, cmd, length):
self.cmd = cmd
self.length = length
def execute(self, turtle, length):
if self.cmd=='lt':
lt(turtle, int(self.length[0]))
if self.cmd=='rt':
rt(turtle, int(self.length[0]))
if self.cmd=='fd':
fd(turtle, length)
if self.cmd=='bk':
bk(turtle, length)
if self.cmd=='scale':
length = length*float(self.length[0])
class Fractal(object):
def __init__(self, rules, commands, start, length, depth):
self.rules = rules
self.commands = commands
self.start = start
self.length = length
self.depth = depth
def draw(self, oldlist):
for i in oldlist:
if type(i) == list:
cmd = self.commands[i]
cmd.execute(Rasmus, self.length)
def read():
files = open('sierpinski2.fdl')
commands = {}
r = rule()
for line in files:
line = line.strip()
oldlist = line.split(' ')
if oldlist[0] == 'start':
start = oldlist[1:]
elif oldlist[0] == 'rule':
r.newrule(oldlist[1], oldlist[3:])
elif oldlist[0] == 'cmd':
cmd = command(oldlist[2], oldlist[3:])
commands[oldlist[1]] = cmd
elif oldlist[0] == 'length':
length = int(oldlist[1])
elif oldlist[0] == 'depth':
depth = int(oldlist[1])
return Fractal(start, r, commands, length, depth)
re = read()
print re.commands.keys()
length = re.rules.expand(re.start , re.depth)
which should extract information from a sierpinski.fdl file, which looks like this:
start F L F L F L
rule F -> F L F L F L F F
length 8
depth 5
cmd F fd
cmd L lt 120
My problem is that when I run this, it gives me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\PythonScripts\swampy-2.1.1\swampy\Projekt del 2.py", line 81, in <module>
print re.commands.keys()
AttributeError: 'rule' object has no attribute 'keys'
I know that the problem lie in the:
re = read()
print re.commands.keys()
length = re.rules.expand(re.start , re.depth)
Part of the code, where I enable the execution of the program, but I can't seem to fix it.
I am using python 2.7.5
The read() function returns this Fractal
return Fractal(start, r, commands, length, depth)
but the signiture of Fractal.__init__
def __init__(self, rules, commands, start, length, depth):
So it appears that you've swapped the order of the parameters.