I have installed docker.io on CentOS 6.4 64 bit following the steps mentioned here: http://nareshv.blogspot.in/2013/08/installing-dockerio-on-centos-64-64-bit.html
Now I am able to start the docker daemon. When I am searching for a container as follows it's giving me result
[root@test ~]# docker search tutorial
Found 8 results matching your query ("tutorial")
mhubig/echo Simple echo loop from the tutorial.
kyma/ping Ping image from the tutorial.
ivarvong/redis From the redis tutorial. Just redis-server and telnet on the base image.
amattn/postgresql-9.3.0 precise base, PostgreSQL 9.3.0 installed w/ default configuration. http://amattn.com/2013/09/19/tutorial_postgresql_us...
danlucraft/postgresql Postgresql 9.3, on port 5432, un:docker, pw:docker. From following the Postgresql example tutorial.
But When I am trying to pull a container it's giving me below error
[root@test ~]# docker pull learn/tutorial
Pulling repository learn/tutorial
8dbd9e392a96: Error pulling image (latest) from learn/tutorial, Authentication is required.
2013/10/08 02:50:01 Internal server error: 404 trying to fetch remote history for learn/tutorial
How to set the authentication and where? Please help
I had the same problem and this answer was the solution for me.
It was a time-zone issue. I ran docker on a VM, and my host and guest clock had different ctimezone, the authentication failure was due to clock divergence. Once I setup ntp correctly (with HW clock set to UTC) on my host, this problem went away.