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General Graph Cycle Detection (Confirm my Answer please)

The problem:

An undirected graph is unicyclic if it contains exactly one cycle. Describe an O( |V| + |E| ) algorithm for determining whether or not a given graph, G is unicyclic.

My solution:

int i = 0

Run a modified DFS on G, where we increment i everytime we decide not to visit a vertex because it has already been visited.

After DFS is done, if i==1, graph is unicyclic.

I thought this solution would work but am wondering if there is a counter example that would prove it false. If anyone could clarify that would be great, Thanks.


  • Does your graph consists of a single connected component?

    In this case just count vertices and edges and check |V| - |E| = 0

    Otherwise count the number of connected components O(|V| + |E|), and check |V| - |E| = number of connected components - 1.

    Remark: having more than one connected component is a counterexample to your algorithm.