Search code examples

MS CRM 2011 Fetchxml

Generic Fetch XML To Get All attributes from any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011?


  • To fetch details from any entity use below method. Please read Note and Parameter Description before using this generic Fetchxml generator.

    Note : fieldToQuery, operatorForCondition, fieldQueryValue  Should have Array Same count to work this function  and well Mappep with respective to each other to get desired result  
    parameter name = "entityName" = Name of Entity of which details to fetch.  
    parameter name = "fieldsToSearch" = What all fields you want to fetch, if Sent Null, by default all fields are fetched from entity  
    parameter name = "filterType" = "AND" or "OR"   
    parameter name = "fieldToQuery" = Array of  Field name on which to query  
    parameter name = "operatorForCondition" = Array of operator between fieldToQuery(Field Name) and fieldQueryValue(Field Value) like "eq, like"  
    parameter name = "fieldQueryValue" = Array of Field Value respective to fieldToQuery (Field Name) by which to query  

    Function stats from here
    public static Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection RetrieveEntityDetailsByFetchXml(string entityName, string[] fieldsToSearch, string filterType, string[] fieldToQuery, string[] operatorForCondition, string[] fieldQueryValue) {

            string _fetchDetailsXml = @"<fetch version='1.0' mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform'> <entity name='" + entityName + "'> ";
            _fetchDetailsXml = GenerateFetchXMLForAttributes(fieldsToSearch, _fetchDetailsXml);
            _fetchDetailsXml += "<filter type='" + filterType + "'>";
            if (fieldQueryValue.Count() != fieldToQuery.Count() && fieldToQuery.Count() != operatorForCondition.Count())
                throw new ApplicationException("FieldtoQuery and FieldQueryValue are not mapped correctly fieldToQuery : " + fieldToQuery.Count() + " fieldQueryValue : " + fieldQueryValue.Count() + ".");
            _fetchDetailsXml = GenerateFetchXMLForConditions(fieldToQuery, operatorForCondition, fieldQueryValue, _fetchDetailsXml);
            _fetchDetailsXml += "</filter> </entity> </fetch>";
            Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection _entityDetailsColl = CrmConnectionsManager.OrganizationServiceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(_fetchDetailsXml));      
            // Note : "_entityDetailsColl" cast this object to respective Entity object 
            if (_entityDetailsColl != null && _entityDetailsColl.Entities.Count() > 0)
                return _entityDetailsColl;
            return null;
        }  `


        public static string GenerateFetchXMLForAttributes(string[] fieldsToSearch, string fetchXml)
            if (fieldsToSearch != null && fieldsToSearch.Count() > 0)
                foreach (string field in fieldsToSearch)
                    fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + field + "' />";
                fetchXml += "<all-attributes/>";
            return fetchXml;
        public static string GenerateFetchXMLForConditions(string[]fieldToQuery,string[] operatorForCondition, string[] fieldQueryValue, string _fetchDetailsXml)
            if (fieldToQuery != null && fieldToQuery.Count() > 0)
                for (int count = 0; count < fieldToQuery.Count(); count++)
                    _fetchDetailsXml += "<condition attribute='" + fieldToQuery[count] + "'  operator='" + operatorForCondition[count] + "' value='" + fieldQueryValue[count] + "' uiname='' uitype='' /> ";
                _fetchDetailsXml += "<all-attributes/>";
            return _fetchDetailsXml;
