I just noticed an strange regression when debugging using vs.net 2010.
Suppose I have the following code:
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
if (a > b)
When debugging under visual studio 2008, if I mouse over the a variable, it would show me the value. The same for the variable b. The mind blowing feature to me was that if I mouse over the ">" operator, it would show me the result of the "a > b" expression. This is awesome!
The problem I'm having now is that it doesn't work anymore on visual studio 2010. Is this intended or is there any configuration I should do to make it work?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
It looks like the problem with Data Tips (hovering over expressions stuff) was fixed with SP1 in VS2010. Maybe you have an outdated version? I hope this helps: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/5e545b9d-36c4-45e4-8a65-b57b7dcadb24/visual-studio-2010-data-tips-are-broken?forum=debuggercanvas