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Use tornado async code in a regular python script

I have some asynchronous functions using tornado gen.coroutine that I normally use as part of a tornado-based web application. However, I want to call some of them from a plain old python script to do some administration tasks. How do I do this?

from tornado import gen

import some_internal_stuff

def myfunc(x):
    y = yield some_internal_stuff.another_async_func(x)
    raise gen.Return(y)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # What do I put here to call myfunc(1) and get the async return value?


A more concrete example:

from tornado import gen

def another_async_func(x):
    print "aaf"
    raise gen.Return(x + 1)

def myfunc(x):
    print "myfunc"
    y = yield another_async_func(x)
    print "back"
    raise gen.Return(y)

def callback(y):
    print "Callback called with %d" % y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    myfunc(1, callback=callback)

Running this outputs:



  • There's a built-in method run_sync in IOLoop to run a single call and then stop the loop, so it's pretty trivial to just add an event loop to a plain python script provided you have tornado in the PYTHONPATH.

    With the concrete example:

    from tornado import gen, ioloop
    def another_async_func(x):
        print "aaf"
        raise gen.Return(x + 1)
    def myfunc(x):
        print "myfunc"
        y = yield another_async_func(x)
        print "back"
        raise gen.Return(y)
    def main():
        y = yield myfunc(1)
        print "Callback called with %d" % y
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    This outputs:

    Callback called with 2

    Note that run_sync doesn't nest well; if you call run_sync in a function called by run_sync on the same IOLoop the completion of the inner call will stop the IOLoop and no further yields after the inner call will return.