I use vim at work for developing pretty sizable perl code, and I got stuck while trying to learn how to use folds properly.
(Note: I'm still relatively new to Vim - switched over from gedit about half a year ago, but I'm still learning the new powerful things everyday!)
This is my portion of .vimrc related to folding
" mouse is on
set mouse=a
" folding
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldlevelstart=1
let perl_fold=1
let sh_fold_enabled=1
let perl_extended_vars=1
let perl_sync_dist=250
So this thing is good in that it folds all the code, and I can freely open / close folds with simply pressing z-a. But it's also bad in that everything is folded when I open a file.
Is there a way to have the file not be folded when I open the file, but still allow me to open/close blocks of code based on perl syntax with z-a? (or some other keystroke)
The "fold level" is the depth of the fold:
The line that you put in your ~/.vimrc
set foldlevelstart=1
tells vim fo close every fold up to level 1 by default.
Set it to an impossibly high value to open all folds by default:
set foldlevelstart=999
Note that you can also try a low level like 2
or 3
which may have interesting results depending on your coding style.
See :h foldlevelstart