I have a service that does a post on creation, something like the following:
angular.module('app', ['$strap.directives'])
.service('dataService', function ($rootScope, $http, $location) {
this.postInitCommands = function (path, command) {
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
this.postInitCommands("/example/path", {example: 'command'});
However, when I go to test some of my controllers that use this module and service, they all failed immediately with error Unexpected request: POST /example/path
If I take out the call to postInitCommands()
in the service creation, this error goes away and I can test my controllers.
My qunit setup is as follows:
var fittingDataServiceMock, injector, ctrl, $scope, $httpBackend;
module("Fitting Controller Test", {
setup: function() {
injector = angular.injector(['ngMock', 'ng','app']);
$scope = injector.get('$rootScope').$new();
dataServiceMock= injector.get('dataService');
$httpBackend = injector.get('$httpBackend');
$httpBackend.whenPOST('/example/test').respond(200, {});
ctrl = injector.get('$controller')(DoubleVariableController, { $scope: $scope, dataService: dataServiceMock});
teardown: function() {
Your service instance is constructed when you call injector.get('dataService')
. The POST is made when that happens, so you need to tell your test to expect a HTTP request before that line.
var fittingDataServiceMock, injector, ctrl, $scope, $httpBackend;
module("Fitting Controller Test", {
setup: function() {
injector = angular.injector(['ngMock', 'ng','app']);
$scope = injector.get('$rootScope').$new();
$httpBackend = injector.get('$httpBackend');
$httpBackend.whenPOST('/example/test').respond(200, {});
dataServiceMock= injector.get('dataService');
ctrl = injector.get('$controller')(DoubleVariableController, { $scope: $scope, dataService: dataServiceMock});
teardown: function() {