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Shinobi Charts: example of how to subclass SChartCrosshairTooltip or SChartCrosshairMultiValueTooltip

I'm using the Shinobi Controls charting package on iOS and I cannot fathom how to implement a crosshair tooltip showing multiple y values. In my case I have a candlestick chart showing standard financial OHLC data values using the SChartCandlestickSeries class. The documentation seems to imply that I need to subclass an SChartSeries in order to implement some SChartData protocol methods, but I can't believe it's that involved.

I'm still struggling through the documentation here, but if anyone has some example code it would be worth its weight in gold right now!

Note: I've tried simply assigning an instance of SChartCrosshairMultiValueTooltip to the chart's crosshair.tooltip property but that doesn't seem to do very much - I just see a normal tooltip displaying a single x and y value.


  • It sounds like you're very much along the right lines. You need a multi-valued series (supplied by the appropriate datasource method):

    - (SChartSeries *)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart seriesAtIndex:(int)index
        SChartCandleStickSeries *series = [SChartCandlestickSeries new];
        series.crosshairEnabled = YES;
        return series;

    And then the chart needs to have a tooltip set to an instance of the type you mentioned (SChartCrosshairMultiValueTooltip):

    ShinobiChart *chart = [[ShinobiChart alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds
    chart.datasource = self;
    [self.view addSubview:chart];
    chart.delegate = self;
    chart.crosshair.tooltip = [SChartCrosshairMultiValueTooltip new];

    For completeness, the following is the data point method of the datasource:

    - (id<SChartData>)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart
        SChartMultiYDataPoint *d = [SChartMultiYDataPoint new];
        d.xValue = @(dataIndex);
        [d.yValues setValue:_data[dataIndex] forKey:SChartCandlestickKeyOpen];
        [d.yValues setValue:@([_data[dataIndex] doubleValue] * 1.3) forKey:SChartCandlestickKeyHigh];
        [d.yValues setValue:@([_data[dataIndex] doubleValue] * 0.8) forKey:SChartCandlestickKeyLow];
        [d.yValues setValue:@([_data[dataIndex] doubleValue] * 1.1) forKey:SChartCandlestickKeyClose];
        return d;

    (Note that the values here are just samples)

    Sample Chart